New Boats

If you are interested in purchasing a new Tideway please contact one of the licensed builders: For GRP Tideways: or for Wooden Tideways:

Secondhand Boats For Sale

The boats listed are as described by the owners and the details have not been independently verified. Purchasers should satisfy themselves that boats are as described, that the boat is in class, that the Vendor has clear title to the boat and is entitled to offer it for sale. The TOA will take no responsibility for any errors in description or problems with title howsoever caused.

The TOA are happy to list any Tideway, Tideway 10’s and 14’s that are for sale and you do not need to be a member to advertise. Just use the ‘Other’ section on the Websites Contact Us Form and we will get back to you with more help on how to place your advert.


(See further guidance on this subject at the bottom of this page)

The TOA does not offer a Brokerage service. If you are interested in any of the boats listed please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE and we will pass your details onto the relevant owner.

TW 54 ‘Jolybods’

Built in 1962 by Walkers of mahogany on oak, a gunter rigged Tideway Super with foredeck and sidedecks. Owned by one family from new, she is regularly maintained to a very high standard by Ryan Kearley. Varnished throughout and always stored indoors, Jolybods is watertight and in superb condition. She has recently purchased white Batt sails with roller reefing and an additional genoa. She comes fully rigged with removeable outboard bracket, boat cover and mast up cover. The road trailer with launching trolley are from Mersea Trailers and there is a frame for a piggy back boat above, if required. Winner of the TOA Challenge Trophy and Best Kept Boat award. See photos here.

£5000 - Lying near Winchester

 If you are interested in this boat, to be put in touch with the owner please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE

Tideway 14 “Pickle”

Wooden Tideway 14 Deluxe, Mahogany on Oak. Built by L.Walker 1963. All spars, rigging, rudder, oars, anchor, floorboards and two sets of sails (one set quite new) etc. Good launch trolley. Combi road base although ugly does the job. Small leak at the bow and a few cracked frames (hence the low price). Can deliver subject to distance. See the TOA’s 50th Anniversary Challenge Race video on the ‘Tideways on Film’ section of the TOA website (the one with blue sails) Photos available here.

 £1200 -  Lying Sandwich, Kent

 If you are interested in this boat, to be put in touch with the owner please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE

TW100 ‘Kandy’.

Kandy was Lew Walkers family boat. A gunter rigged Tideway Super (ie fore and side decks, fitted stern seat locker, slatted seats and gun metal fittings). Very well maintained, Kandy had a major overhaul in 2018 (by Nick Gates, classic boat builder in Emsworth). Winner of the Bosham Sailing Club Classic Day Boat Slow Division series in 2021. Good Batt sails (in same red/white stripes used by Lew Walker). Sovereign Trailers combo (road trailer barely used and in excellent condition).  Boom up cover. Complete with log book and measurement certificate. Photos available here.

£2500 – lying Bosham

 If you are interested in this boat, to be put in touch with the owner please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE

TW 314  ‘Patch’  

Here we have a Delux Mahogany on Oak Tideway as built by L.Walkers of Leigh-on-Sea. She comes with a Combi-trailer and recently purchased cover. New standing rigging this year accompanies colour coded lines and sheets. Re-decked in Mahogany faced marine ply, International 'Original' varnish outside and some coppercoat below, Le Tonkinois for inside.  White Jeckells sails with associated reefing. Oddly the previous owner added a detachable bow sprit, although this item is definitely not in class for racing. Patch has been set-up to ease some of the issues faced by single handed sailing and when set, trips along at an unworried pace. Photos here.

£2400 – lying near Southend on Sea


If you are interested in this boat, to be put in touch with the owner please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE

TW 111 ‘Gobbin’.

1964, L H Walker Tideway Super. Lovely boat, looking good for her age, in complete oak and mahogany finish. Comes with combi launching and road trailer and is fully rigged including sails, buoyancy bags, anchor, oars, fenders and mast up cover. Ready to sail and enjoy!

Photos available here


£2300 – Lying Leicestershire

If you are interested in this boat, to be put in touch with the owner please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE

TW 051 ‘Eaglewing’.


12 plank Tideway popular. Complete with road trailer. Reconstructed stern and some ribs doubled, but in good form for a 60+ year old boat. Extras include topping lift and  gunmetal fittings. Original oars and gunmetal rowlocks, bottom boards and good sails. Anchor, chain and rope. Mast up cover. With LH Walker builders plate. Advancing years mean that I have to sell. Photos available.


£1500 – lying Nairn

If you are interested in this boat, to be put in touch with the owner please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE

TW62 ‘Dobbie’.



Walker Tideway, built 1962/3. I have owned and sailed her for 40+ years.  Varnished throughout, on a good galvanised  road trailer with winch, mini wheels with new tyres, spare wheel, brace, jack etc. Oars and gunmetal rowlocks. Bottom boards,  original boathook. 2 Anchors, chain and rope. 2 sets of sails, plus a Genoa. 4x 100lb  under seat buoyancy bags. Boom-up/Road canvas cover. Fixed rope fender all around the top of the hull, plus extra fenders. Under foredeck picnic  shelf. A box of spare shackles, cleats and other bits of rigging spares. Usual Walker extras. This dry stored dingy is ready to sail. No repairs necessary, no fettling.


Lying Sheffield – £2500 ono


If you are interested in this boat, you can see photos by clicking HERE. If you are interested in this boat, to be put in touch with the owner please use the Boats for Sale enquiry form by clicking HERE



A Walker Tideway Deluxe c1967. Mahogany on oak. Ribs and planking in good order. Outer hull newly varnished with 3 coats of roll/tipped International Classic. Good Jeckells sails. White. Jib on hanks and main with slab reefing. All brand new professionally hand whipped and spliced running rigging by Pinbax. Brand new stainless standing rigging by Pinbax also. Oars, rowlocks and anchor. Usable trailer cover. Painted Rapide T frame road trailer with new hubs/bearings. Unused spare. New rubber bunks, ratchet strap, thwart savers etc for safe stowage of rigging for transport.



TW544 ‘Tilly’

Tideway deluxe built in November 2013 by Tideway Dinghies, Maldon. One owner from new. Kept at Blackwater Sailing Club, Essex. Launching trolley with docking arms. No road trolley. Tiller extension with spare extended oak tiller. Oars, rudder bag. Faded but effective cover. All original documentation. Photos available on request.



A Tideway built by Tideway Dinghies Maldon in March 2013. Cream GRP Deluxe with foredeck and aft locker, tiller extension, oars, rowlocks, bottom flooring, out-board bracket (removable), two covers, anchor with rope and chain, sails and buoyancy bags.  Trailer-full combi with jockey wheels. Spare wheel and lightboard among the features. Tool box with associated parts. Suzuki 4 stroke engine with stand is separately available. Lightly used mostly in inland waters. Dry stored in our garage since 2021 and always overwintered there. Photographs available.


TW 490         

Cream GRP Tideway Deluxe built by Tideway Dinghies Ltd in 2007, in very good condition. Complete with a roadworthy combi trailer with spare wheel, launching trolly and extended jockey wheel. The boat is Gunter-rigged with traditional tan coloured sails. It has a travelling flat cover in good condition. Photos available on request.




Cream GRP Tideway Popular. Built by Watershed in 1998. In great condition. Includes: Sovereign/Welsh Harp combi trailer with 10” wheels (new in 03/23) , anchor and warp, oars, flat trailing (good condition) and boom over (a bit worn) covers. Gunter rigged with traditional older tan coloured Jeckells sails and almost new white Dacron main and jib (bought from Jeckells in 12/22 and used only a handful of times). Asking price reflects almost new combi trailer and sails.


TW 320 

Walker Tideway Super built by Walker and Co in the 1970’s. Mahogany on oak with copper rivets. Outer and inner hull varnished to a high standard. All ribs and planking in good order. All fittings are quality brass. Two full sets of sails – 1st set by PB Sails including genoa. Other set in good condition. Anchor, buoyancy bags, wooden oars, rowlocks, fenders and removable outboard bracket. Quality combo road trailer with winch, spare wheel and launching trolley with extended jockey wheel. Storage and travelling  flat covers. Lighting board included. See photos here

Determination of a Tideway dinghy.

Q. Is my boat a Tideway?

A. Each year there are boats brought to our attention which, while very nice 12ft dinghies in their own right, and which owners or prospective owners have been told are Tideways, are not. Sometimes photographs are enough to establish the provenance, and sometimes an inspection of the boat is required. Essentially there are a few basic tests.

  • Tideways have only been built by a limited number of boat builders – L H Walker, Tepco, The Watershed, The Boatyard, Tideway Dinghies and Good Wood Boat Co.

  • Tideways will comply with the measurements laid down in the Class Rules and the certification measurement sheet for the purposes of registration of a sail number, and will be constructed either of mahogany planks on oak ribs, or GRP

  • Boats will have either 11 (typically) or 12 (earlier wooden Tideways) planks.

  • Tideways have a steel centreboard plate controlled by a lifting tackle – not a dagger board – and the casing does not extend beyond the aft of the centre thwart.

  • Tideways will have either a gunter or a bermudan rig with the mast stepped into the forward thwart – no other rigs are within the Class Rules. Sails are not loose fitted, but are on bolt ropes fed into grooves on both the gaff and the boom.

  • Tideways have a distinctive profile with a rising prow.

  • The aft edge of the foredeck (if fitted) is straight.

  • They always have a skeg